I know, everyone is about to shrug their shoulders and say, oh this is soooo "Julie and Julia" and yes that probably starting me thinking about this new creative experiment that I'm about to undertake...But...This is my plan.
It started with a little visit to amazon.ca, where looking for relationship self help books, I found myself browsing the knitting section, after all, what better self help, than a cup of coffee, a pile of yarn, and an idea. I found myself subconsciously entering my credit card number, and 2 days later the books were waiting for me at the post office. I never gave it more thought than that. I ran to the post office on my lunch break, swooped them up, but them in the backs
eat of my car, and then the next day...oh the next day, I read every word in my newly acquired "Mason Dixon Knitting", why had I not bought this book earlier? I wondered. I started a log cabin blanket that night, and am still working away at the pile of scraps in the laundry basket in the middle of my living room.

Then yesterday happened, a crap day of work, which was only preceded by a crap week of work, my brain screaming "run to the nest of wool, you'll be happy there..." I sat on the bench during coffee break contemplating quitting my job, packing my car, and moving to Utah (which I might say I've never been, and not quite so sure I'd fit in there) then the idea happened. So I raced home in hopes of starting my big idea, met my angry husband, fought a little, got pissed off, and found myself doing nothing, text messaging my brother, and friend Holly, and then with a new sense of peaceful creativity, I begin step one of the plan.
The BIG Idea!!!

I slowly flipped through each page of the "The Harmony Guides: Cables and Arans" it's limey green cover enticing me the whole way. I have one year, there are 250 stitches, all in their cable and aran gloriness, I flipped each page and selected at least 175. These 175 stitches are my new best friends. I have one year to complete 175 knitting projects based around these stitches. From what I can figure this may be an impossible goal, however, I'm willing to give it my best shot.
To simplify things, I'm only going to use worsted weight yarn, the reason being I have an abundance, and if at some point I want to attach things to one another, I can easily do it. I'm also only going to use 5.5mm needles, again, so I can keep it simple. So that's the plan. What I'm going to make isn't clear, where the project goes, isn't clear, but it will be a hoot to find out!
So with my book, needles, and a cable hook, I'm off to try and create something...
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